Monday, October 7, 2013

Anywhere But Here by Tanya Lloyd Kyi

Anywhere but Here - Tanya Lloyd Kyi
Cole is a high school boy who has lost his mom to cancer, recently broke up with his long-term girlfriend Lauren, and cannot wait to graduate and leave his hometown of Webster. He dreams of becoming a documentary film maker, and as part of his college application to film school, begins filming a documentary about the town.  What he finds out in the process of filming is totally not what he expected.  

This was a great coming-of-age novel told through a teenage boy's perspective.  Cole has had his share of heartbreaks in life and is trying to learn how to live with the pain and move on in order to fulfill his own dreams.  He faces many bumps in the road, but learns what it means to be a son, a friend, and a better person along the way.  

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.  I enjoyed this book!  Cole starts off as an immature, selfish, but typical teenager dealing with tough circumstances.  In fact, he's a little annoying.  However, I liked the writing style, and I think Cole had to start out that way in order to show the character growth, as he developed throughout the story. Small town teenagers will definitely identify with Cole and his frustrations, and I liked the life lessons Cole had learned by the end.  

On-sale date: 10/15/13